Brainiacs Journal of Brain Imaging And Computing Sciences

Brain Health Alliance, a nonprofit organization, manages and publishes the Brainiacs Journal as an online journal (LCCN 2021201717, ISSN 2766-6883) of scholarly research articles and electronic digital documents available via open access. We use Brainiacs Journal of Brain Imaging And Computing Sciences as the descriptive title and Brainiacs Journal of Brain Information And Communication Sciences as an alternate title. All documents published in Brainiacs will remain fully open access and freely available without any page charges or publishing fees paid by authors and without any access fees paid by readers. Inquiries concerning submission of manuscripts may be sent via the contact form.

Aims and Scope

Our aims will encompass all aspects of the BHA mission and the research activities of the BHAVI programs. The Brainiacs Journal will review and publish scholarly research from investigators working in the fields of imaging and computing tools and sciences, information and communication technologies and sciences, biomedical engineering and medical imaging, applied to research problems in brain sciences and medicine. Investigations addressing brain problems involving neurodegenerative disorders and dementias will be actively encouraged and solicited, but work on other areas of brain sciences and medicine will also be considered. Stated more broadly, the journal will consider publishing research articles that study problems involving the application of biomedical computing, biomedical engineering, and/or biomedical informatics to brain sciences and medicine including clinical trials of brain imaging. Financial support for the journal has been provided by the nonprofit Brain Health Alliance.

Open Peer Review

The Brainiacs Journal will live on the frontiers of software engineering and will incorporate the latest developments in artificial intelligence for knowledge engineering in the management process and workflow governing peer review, editorial review, and scholarly publishing. Of special note, all articles published in the journal will be semantically enhanced with semantic markup enabled by algorithms that provide automated pre-processing with parsers that analyze the content of the published papers, as well as post-processing by logical reasoning and inferencing engines. During the initial years when these artificial intelligence algorithms continue to be developed, the semantic markup and analysis will be performed and/or guided by human expert curators and editors. A focused goal of the journal will be the development of software algorithms for automated meta-analyses of the published literature including articles published in the Brainiacs Journal. Description of our vision and plans for the journal can be found in the paper entitled Survey, Analysis, and Requirements for Semantic Enhancement to Support Machine Understanding of Scientific Literature by Adam Craig et al (see Craig2020SARSE).

Scholarly Research Integrity

All authors who submit data and documents for publication in the Brainiacs Journal will be required to adhere scrupulously to the principles and requirements of scholarly research integrity explained in the following published report:

S. Koby Taswell, Christopher Triggle, June Vayo, Shiladitya Dutta, and Carl Taswell, 2020, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Scholarly Research Integrity also available at DOI 10.1002/pra2.223 presented with hyperlinked version and slides October 2020 at the 83rd ASIS&T Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Abstract: The pursuit of truth in research should be both an ideal in aspiration and also a reality in practice. The PORTAL-DOORS Project (PDP) strives to promote creative authenticity, fair citation, and adherence to integrity and ethics in scholarly research publishing using the FAIR family of quantitative metrics with acronym FAIR for the phrases Fair Attribution to Indexed Reports and Fair Acknowledgment of Information Records, and the DREAM principles with acronym DREAM for the phrase Discoverable Data with Reproducible Results for Equivalent Entities with Accessible Attributes and Manageable Metadata. This report presents formalized definitions for idea-laundering plagiarism by authors, idea-bleaching censorship by editors, and proposed assertion claims for authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers in ethical peer-reviewed publishing to support integrity in research. All of these principles have been implemented in version 2 of the PDP-DREAM ontology written in OWL 2. This PDP-DREAM ontology will serve as the model foundation for development of a software-guided workflow process intended to manage the ethical peer-reviewed publishing of web-enabled open access journals operated online with PDP software.

Brainiacs Journal | Current Issue | Archived Volumes
2020V1I1 | 2021V2I1 | 2022V3I1 | 2022V3I2 | 2023V4I1 | 2023V4I2 | 2024V5I1